A “Done For You” Step by Step Client Management System for Web Designers

Client Management

A Review of Jennifer Bourn’s Profitable Project Plan


Profitable Project Plan is designed by Jennifer Bourn for fellow web design freelancers and micro-agencies, to improve their client communications, reduce project management timelines, create stronger profit margins, and yes, make you more money — without the stress and uncertainty of doing it alone. It is a done-for-you client management system and business training course.

This is my personal review of the program after completing the first year, and staying on as an alumni for the second year.


Key Takeaways


This was the first business development course I’ve participated in, that actually delivered on its promises. And I have done many courses over 20 years.


Live trainings were well timed for Australians to easily participate in. IE not at 3am.


The curriculum covers every aspect a web design business owner needs to consider and implement for future proofing its success.


Templates and resources are included that you can use in your business.


Ongoing access as an alumni makes this a no brainer to say yes to… and I didn’t even realise that was included when I signed up.

The Profitable Project Plan Curriculum includes:

  1. Sensible Sales – Mastering your critical money matters
  2. Client Management – Delivering an extraordinary client experience
  3. Lucrative Leads – Attracting all the clients you need
  4. Recurring Revenue – Stabilising your monthly cash flow
  5. Branding Blueprint – Creating powerful, profitable brands

The Profitable Project Plan includes amazing tools, templates and resources like:

Jennifer adjusts and improves the program content each year, but for my year the program included:

  • 35 live video trainings with companion workbooks
  • 35 live Q&A sessions
  • 1 Contract template, including change orders (customisable to your brand)
  • 2 Lead Magnets (customisable to your brand)
  • 7+ Phone Call Scripts (customisable to your brand)
  • 100+ Email Templates and Swipe Files (customisable to your brand)
  • 11 E-books & Educational Guides (customisable to your brand)
  • 32+ Checklists
  • 50+ Worksheets (with completed examples so you have sample answers)
  • 15 Expert Interviews
  • 8 Implementation Weeks (that’s extra time to apply what you’ve learned into your business)
  • Video & Audio Replays (available on demand)
  • Dynamic Facebook Community
  • 4 Bonus Trainings (this could be different for you)
  • Lifetime Access to future course updates

See that last one? I didn’t realise I would have lifetime access when I first enrolled so that took the pressure off! And it was well needed, as I didn’t get to incorporate all the processes in the first year, so I was able to follow along again in the second year (as an alumni) to fill in the gaps. And, I’m sure I will be doing following along again for a third year to keep on refining my processes.

Enrolments open in November and the program commences in the New Year.

What I Enjoyed Most in the Profitable Project Plan course

Live trainings not too early in the morning

The course facilitator, Jennifer Bourn, is based in the US. I am in Australia. Typically, the time zone differences usually means US based live trainings take place at 2-3 am. I am not a morning person. In this program the live trainings were at 5am Queensland time. That was a significant bonus for me. The live trainings are recorded, so you can watch the replay at any stage, but I wanted to commit to showing up for the lives.

Website reviews by industry experts

A part of the program is to have your own website reviewed by Jennifer and/or other key players in the field. I had 2 pages of my site reviewed live which, while quite nerve racking to put your hand up, was an absolute wealth of information. Having Chris Lema give his thoughts and suggestions  on my home page was absolutely awesome!

No copyright concerns on templates provided

The quality of all the content is 100%. You can literally copy and paste email templates into your own CRM with little changes needed. Certainly you are encouraged to customise the wording to suit your market but you are also able to keep it exactly the same with no Copyright concerns. A huge time saver. Thanks Jen!

Permission to redesign templates to suit your brand

This was a big bonus for me too. Everything was provided in their native format (Adobe InDesign for the most part) so you can easily customise fonts, colours, layout, pictures – everything – to suit your own brand and reflect your own personality.

No upselling or software subscriptions required to make things work

This is the question I am often asked by other designers, when I speak about this course. Will they have to subscribe to some special software? I am sure we have ALL done one of those courses by now, and if not, you soon will. Well there is none of that here. I did learn about a couple of platforms that I wasn’t aware of, which I ended up subscribing to. But that was not expected or required in order to complete anything from within the course.

The process Jen teaches does rely on automated email sequences – so to make your life much easier. That means it would be in your best interest to have some type of CRM or email automation system in place – like ConvertKitZoho One or Mailchimp – but even then, you could manage without it.

What did I think of the Profitable Project Plan?

It’s more than a course. It’s a web design business training and mentoring program.

I stumbled across the Profitable Project Plan by chance. When I read into it, I realised this program covered everything I knew my business needed — but just had no time to create on my own. More than “yet another course” it was a 10 month business training and mentorship program that included a whole range of “done for you” templates that I could integrate into my business. The content covered:
  • Lead Generation
  • Sales
  • Client Management
  • Project Management
  • Recurring Revenue Systems

It was everything I needed to streamline operations and increase my business’ profitability. I’ve not come across any other training program as comprehensive as this.

Profitable Project Plan is by far the ONLY course I’ve enrolled in and known to actually deliver on its promises. I implemented the training into my business as I followed along in the first year. But in the second year I continued to fine-tune and hone in the processes.

Already I have doubled what I used to charge for a website development project. I know — that sounds like the salesy cliche you’d expect from a fake review, (I’ve read plenty of them and rolled my eyes… 10X, 100X… well I’ve not gone that far but I am happy with my 2X for now) but that is exactly why I am writing this Profitable Project Plan review. “If only” I had completed this program years before now!

I will be telling every web design business builder I come across to invest in this course. And the investment is highly affordable even for a struggling startup. I’ve paid much more for an online course, with less inclusions and no results.

If you’re a solo operator or a small team with big dreams for a better web design business – then this is the next step for you!

Consider this post a personal message from your future you.

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